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The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are consulting on Personal Independence Payment (PIP) as it has been 10 years since it has been introduced.

The Green Paper explores changes that could be made to the current PIP system to ensure support is targeted where it is most needed. These options include:

· Making changes to the eligibility criteria for PIP.

· Redesigning the PIP assessment to better target it towards the individual needs of disabled people and people with health conditions.

· Reforming the PIP assessment so that it is more linked to a person’s condition.

The Green Paper also explores whether the Government should make fundamental changes to the way support is provided to disabled people and people with a health condition. They want to hear how the welfare system could be improved by exploring new approaches to providing support including:

· Moving away from a fixed cash benefit system so people can receive more tailored support in line with their needs.

· Moving towards a better join up of local services and a simpler way for individuals to access all forms of support and care, whilst reducing duplication, to better meet the needs of people with health conditions and disabilities.

· Exploring alternative ways of supporting people to live independent and fulfilling lives. This could mean financial support being better targeted at people who have specific extra costs, but it could also involve improved support of other kinds, such as physical or mental health treatment, leading to better outcomes.


Siobhán will be making a Consortium response to this consultation after discussing the consultation questions with a number of women individually. If you wish to contribute to this consultation please contact Siobhán as soon as possible at

The deadline for responses to this consultation is 22nd July 2024 and you can read the consultation here.