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The NI Executive has agreed a draft Programme for Government 2024-2027 ‘Our Plan: Doing What Matters Most’. It outlines the Executive’s priorities for making a real difference to the lives of people here.

This is an important document which will set the direction for Government and consists of nine immediate priorities which they will work to from 2024-2027 and these are:

  • Grow a Globally Competitive and Sustainable Economy
  • Deliver More Affordable Childcare
  • Cut Health Waiting Times
  • Ending Violence Against Women and Girls
  • Better Support for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs
  • Provide More Social, Affordable and Sustainable Housing
  • Safer Communities
  • Protecting Lough Neagh and the Environment
  • Reform and Transformation of Public Services

Initially we welcome the commitment to Ending Violence Against Women and Girls and to deliver more affordable childcare.  However, we have concerns that poverty, which we know has greater impacts for women, is not included within these immediate priorities.

The Executive Office are holding a number of in-person and online events to hear views on the draft Programme for Government and the details of these are available here:

Siobhán will be making a response to the draft Programme for Government on behalf of the Consortium so please contact Siobhán as soon as possible at if you have any contributions to make or you think you could get a group of women together to discuss it.   The time available for consultation is quite short (only 8 weeks) and with the volume of other consultations ongoing it does not leave much time for extensive focus groups on this.

The deadline for responses to the draft Programme for Government is 4th November 2024 and you can find the plan on the Northern Ireland Executive website here: