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The Department for Communities is consulting on a new Fuel Poverty Strategy for Northern Ireland.  The draft Fuel Poverty Strategy proposes a framework for addressing fuel poverty and its impacts.

Fuel poverty is the inability of a household to heat and power their home adequately. It is affected by the cost of energy, the energy efficiency of the home and energy needs of those living in it, and household income.

This strategy proposes a vision of a Warm, Healthy Home for Everyone and contains a number of proposed actions that will help to make homes more energy efficient and to protect consumers.  The draft Strategy also proposes a new approach to measuring and reporting on fuel poverty and proposals for the Department’s new Fuel Poverty Energy Efficiency scheme.

If you can contribute to this consultation in any way please get in touch with Siobhán at especially if there is any possibility of holding a focus group to discuss the issues in this consultation.

The deadline for comments is Thursday 6th March 2025 and is available on the Department for Communities website here:,and%20power%20their%20home%20adequately