Author Archive for: wrda

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Campaigns Update: Cliff Edge Coalition

Siobhán continues to attend meetings of the Cliff Edge Coalition Working Group which is working to strengthen the existing mitigations package for Northern Ireland.  Cliff Edge recently relaunched their key asks and Siobhán spoke at the launch event about the Coalition’s key ask to resolve the five-week wait in Universal Credit. A revised briefing paper […]

Campaigns Update: Guarantee our Essentials

Siobhán is now part of a new campaign from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Trussell Trust calling for an Essentials Guarantee within Universal Credit.  The Essentials Guarantee would embed in the social security system a principle that at a minimum Universal Credit should protect people from going without essentials. You can read more about […]

Consultation on Department for Communities Budget 2023-24 allocations

Following the announcement of the Budget 2023/24 by the Secretary of State the Department’s Equality Impact Assessment details the Department for Communities proposed budget allocations and how it will impact on the Department’s ability to deliver public services during the Cost of Living Crisis. The website states that this consultation is open until 19th July […]

Lobbying on Consortium Research Papers

Siobhán continues to carry out engagement with a range of people and organisations on the Consortium’s research paper on ‘Women Living with Debt’. Recently Siobhán has spoken about the findings, women’s experiences and recommendations at the following: Workers Demand Better Event Meeting with Department for Communities on Fuel Poverty Meeting with Pam Cameron, DUP NI […]