NEW RESEARCH – Women & Economic Inactivity
The Women's Support Network (WSN) has just finished a series of focus groups with local women on the issue of Economic Inactivity and women’s barriers to education, training and work. Given that Northern Ireland has consistently had the worst…

Registration Threshold for Charities Consultation
The Department for Communities (DfC) is holding a 12-week public consultation on a registration threshold below which charities in Northern Ireland would not be required to register with the Commission or provide an annual report and accounts…

June Funding Opportunities
June 2024
Ards & North Down Borough Council: Christmas Festival Fund
Ards & North Down Borough Council
Application Deadline: 12pm, Monday
10 Jun 2024
Leeds Building Society Charitable…

Campaigns Update
Campaigns: Coalition of Carers
Siobhán continues to attend regular meetings of the Coalition of Carers which is chaired by Carers NI. The Coalition is made up of a number of organisations all working to highlight the key issues that…

RESEARCH LAUNCH – Women, Unpaid Care and Employment
The last Consortium research paper on Women, Unpaid Care & Employment was published in February in collaboration with Carers NI. The final report includes a wealth of feedback from women who took part in focus group sessions as well as…

NEW RESEARCH – Women & Economic Inactivity
Siobhán Harding (policy worker at Women’s Support Network) has spent the last number of weeks carrying out focus group sessions with groups of women across Northern Ireland on the issue of Economic Inactivity and women’s barriers to education,…

DAERA’s Minister Muir seeks views on proposals aimed at protecting Marine Environment
The Minister was speaking as he launched two consultations seeking views on two proposals aimed at improving protection of our marine environment. The development of an updated Marine Protected Areas Strategy (MPA) and the Blue Carbon Action…

Campaigns update: Cost of Living 24
Siobhán is part of a coalition of organisations led by Inspire Wellbeing NI who have come together to host a one-stop shop service for the many impacts of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. The Cost of Living 24 campaign aims to make navigating…

NEW RESEARCH PROPOSAL – Women & Economic Inactivity
Given that Northern Ireland has consistently had the worst figures for economic inactivity across the UK particularly for women we have started work on some research into women’s economic inactivity.
The aim of this research is to highlight…

Hosting Junior Ministers Aisling Reilly and Pam Cameron for Insightful Visit
WOMEN’STEC extends a heartfelt thank you to Junior Ministers Aisling Reilly and Pam Cameron
for their recent visit. The visit provided an opportunity to showcase our work and engage in
meaningful discussions on vital topics such as ending…