Financial Context for Revenue Raising Consultations
The Department of Finance issued an over-arching consultation on the Financial Context for Revenue Raising which asked a series of questions looking for feedback around other revenue raising measures which could be considered, the potential…

Consultation on the “Re-introduction of Hospital Parking Charges” as a measure to support budget sustainability by raising additional revenue
The Department of Health consulted on the Re-introduction of Hospital Parking Charges as a way to raise revenue. Siobhán drafted a consultation response outlining that women have been disproportionately impacted by welfare reform/austerity…

Revenue Raising Consultations
The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland wrote to the Permanent Secretaries of the NI Civil Service Departments directing that they launch public consultations on measures to support budget sustainability by raising additional revenue.

Consultation on Voluntary and Community Sector Infrastructure Support
The Department for Communities are consulting on draft proposals for future Infrastructure support of the Voluntary and Community Sector in Northern Ireland. This consultation looks at how the Voluntary and Community Sector will be funded…

The Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on Women in Northern Ireland & the Healthy Start Scheme
Following the launch of the Consortium’s research paper with the Ulster University Law Clinic in June 2023, Siobhán has been working with Dr Ciara Fitzpatrick and Dr Alexandra Chapman from Ulster University and a group of women from Atlas…

RESEARCH LAUNCH – Women, Unpaid Care and Employment
Along with colleagues in Carers NI Siobhán Harding is finalising the text of the Consortium’s new research paper on Women, Unpaid Care and Employment. The final report will include a wealth of feedback from women who took part in focus…

Revenue Raising Consultation
The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland wrote to the Permanent Secretaries of the NI Civil Service Departments directing that they launch public consultations on measures to support budget sustainability by raising additional revenue. …

The Northern Ireland Anti-Poverty Network seeks to reframe discussion on revenue raising
The Northern Ireland Anti-Poverty Network (NIAPN) is hosting a webinar on Wednesday 13th December from 10am to 11.30am to examine the topic of revenue raising given the fiscal and economic context of Northern Ireland. In September, the Secretary…

Review of support for the Voluntary and Community Sector
The Department for Communities (DfC) is currently undertaking a review of its arrangements for supporting the Voluntary and Community Sector.
This includes agreeing with partners on the outcomes that the Department should prioritise in…

NIRWN calls for a Women’s Health Strategy
Last year NIRWN joined partners with the Community Foundation for NI and other women sector organisations to develop a conference called ‘Nothing About Us Without U’s. Women from across rural and urban NI came together to discuss key issues…