Archive for category: Latest News


December Funding Opportunities

DECEMBER 2023 Scheme Funder Note Date Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon (ABC) Borough Council: Large Event Fund Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon (ABC) Borough Council Application deadline 12pm (noon) on 1…
Rural action awards.

Rural Action Awards Scheme Now Open

The Rural Action Awards Scheme has reopened for applications. The Rural Action Awards Scheme, is aimed at supporting rural communities celebrate their own achievements: Rural community-based organisations in Northern Ireland, or the border…

Menopause and Me Programme

NIRWN is delighted to announce that they have secured funding from the Public Health Agency through the Clear Project to run our 'Menopause and Me' programme.  Workshops will be delivered in the Southern, South-Eastern and Western Trust areas.…
Women holding a sign saying Visible, Influential, Valued.

International Day of Rural Women

NIRWN celebrated its International Day of Rural Women on Wednesday 11th October 2023 at the Tullyglass Hotel, Ballymena. The theme of the event was ‘Visible, Influential and Valued’. Over 100 women were in attendance. The day was nothing…

Women’s Centre Derry Holiday Appeal

To finish the year, we are taking on a holistic approach here at Women’s Centre Derry to help relieve some of the pressure that our service users maybe experiencing right now.  Due to the Cost of Living Crisis Women are feeling the pressure…

November Funding Opportunities

NOVEMBER 2023 Scheme Funder Note Date Fermanagh Trust: Callagheen Wind Farm Grant The Fermanagh Trust Application deadline 12pm (noon) on 1 Nov 2023 Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation Skipton Building…

Opinion piece from WCD – Poverty is not a choice

There is a lot of frustration from women who work within the working poor structure, as they feel that they are not supported by the system.  Many women are in Low-paid work therefore struggled to make end meet on low incomes often without…
For the sins of my mother book display.

Talks available on “For the sins of my mother” book

Marie Therese Rogers-Moloney, author of the book for the sins of my mother, is offering talks on the book to women’s groups. She has presented to U3A groups, men and women’s Probus, Queens University, Libraries and many others groups. Marie…

NIRWN Focus Group on Women, Caring and Employment

NIRWN is hosting a focus group on Women, Caring and Employment on Wednesday 25th October at 10.30am. To register, email

Pizza and Politics Programme at FWIN

FWIN is rolling out a new short-term project, funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs, to get more women involved in political life! We are planning to host a session in each DEA in Derry City & Strabane District Council.Are you part…