Archive for category: Latest News

Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Campaigns: Cliff Edge

Siobhán continues to attend meetings of the Cliff Edge Coalition Working Group which is working to strengthen the existing mitigations package for Northern Ireland.  Cliff Edge recently relaunched their key asks and Siobhán recorded a video…
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Campaigns: Coalition of Carers

Siobhán has joined the Coalition of Carers which is chaired by Carers NI and continues to attend regular meetings of the Coalition.  The Coalition is made up of a number of organisations all working to highlight the key issues that carers…
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Campaigns: NI Child Payment

Siobhán continues to the meet with the working group for the Northern Ireland Child Payment Coalition.  The introduction of a NI Child Payment was a recommendation by the Gender Equality and Anti-Poverty Expert Panels and in the Feminist Recovery…
An Essential Guarantee

Campaigns: Guarantee our Essentials

Siobhán is part of a campaign from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Trussell Trust calling for an Essentials Guarantee within Universal Credit.  The Essentials Guarantee would embed in the social security system a principle that at a…
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Education along the Border, Presentation/Discussion for representative bodies and organisations – research findings

Over the past year, a research team at Ulster University’s School of Education have completed a project funded through the International Fund for Ireland’s Communities in Partnership Programme (with project partners the Integrated Education…
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Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Consultation

Legislation passed by the Secretary of State requires that Northern Ireland schools teach age-appropriate and scientifically accurate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights, covering prevention of early pregnancy and access to…
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Survey aiming to understand the experience victims have of the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland launched

Commissioner Designate for Victims of Crime, Geraldine Hanna, launched a survey that aims to understand the experience victims have of the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland. The survey can be accessed by clicking on this link. The…
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Consultation on the Provision of Free Period Products

The Executive Office (TEO) has announced a consultation on the provision of free period products in Northern Ireland.  The consultation states that period products are essential items for personal care and should be available to everyone who…
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The Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on Women in Northern Ireland

The Consortium’s latest research paper with the Ulster University Law Clinic was launched in Ulster University on 20th June.  The launch included a summary of the main points in the research as well as a number of personal insights from the…
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Change: Opinion Piece from Women’s Centre Derry

The challenges that the community sector is facing continues, we are tirelessly working on keeping women's issues and services on the agenda for all government services. We have challenged, engaged and consulted with every NI Government department…