Archive for category: Latest News

Research Launch - Women's experiences of the Cost-of-Living Crisis in NI. Tue, 20 Jun 2023 12:00 - 14:00 in Ulster University, Belfast.

Research Launch – Women’s experiences of the Cost-of-Living Crisis in NI

Register The Women's Regional Consortium has carried out research with over 240 women across Northern Ireland to identify and explore the impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on their lives. Together with Ulster University this data has been…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Department for Communities Infrastructure Review

Department for Communities have to date held roundtable discussions and a number of focus groups regarding the review. DfC wants to ensure that they are engaging with all Section 75 groups and intend to hold specific group meetings, these…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Research Launch – Women’s experiences of the Cost-of-Living Crisis in NI

The Women's Regional Consortium has carried out research with over 240 women across Northern Ireland to identify and explore the impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on their lives. Together with Ulster University this data has been analysed…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

‘Women of the Borderlands’ project

‘Women of the Borderlands’ project is funded by HEA North-South Shared Island programme. It seeks to capture women’s experiences of the border during and after the Troubles. Researchers would like to hear from women who either live in…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Rural Unpaid Carer Focus Group on Poverty and Financial Hardship

Are you a carer living in a rural area?  The Carer Poverty Commission is running a focus group with unpaid carers from rural areas in Northern Ireland to understand their experience of poverty and financial hardship. The focus group will…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Calling All Rural Women – The Department for Communities Wants to Hear Your Views

‘People and Place – A Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal’ was launched in June 2003. It was aimed at targeting those communities in Northern Ireland suffering the highest levels of deprivation by bringing together the work of all Government…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Agreement+25: Where next for women in Northern Ireland

Where Next for Women in NI?  - Tuesday 6th June at 12.00pm at Parliament Buildings, Stormont Women played a unique role in achieving the Good Friday Agreement, both at the negotiation table and through their work in families, communities,…

Funding Opportunities for June

JUNE 2023 BW Social Affordable Housing: Community & Sports FundingBW LtdApplication deadline2 Jun 2023 AIB Community FundAllied Irish Banks PlcNominations close4 Jun 2023 Arts Council NI: National Lottery Project Funding 2023-2024Arts…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Opinion Piece by Women’s Centre Derry: We Voted, Now its Time for Politicians to Make It Count

Election season is just over and we are a country that’s divided in our religions, political views, and political parties yet we all need the same thing; a working Government. Our country and its people are in crisis, we can barely keep…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Campaigns Update: Cliff Edge Coalition

Siobhán continues to attend meetings of the Cliff Edge Coalition Working Group which is working to strengthen the existing mitigations package for Northern Ireland.  Cliff Edge recently relaunched their key asks and Siobhán spoke at the launch…