Archive for category: Latest News


Department for Communities – Independent Advice and Debt Services 2025-2030 workshops

The Department for Communities is carrying out a programme of work aimed at refreshing the policy frameworks for the voluntary and community sector support. The Department is committed to engaging with a wide range of organisations in the…

Opinion Piece from Women’s Centre Derry: Feeling the Loss

The storm is officially upon us, with the current loss of ESF Funding.  The Women’s sector has experienced a horrendous blow and its loss is being felt across all communities.  Our duty is to serve, we want to provide childcare, engagement,…

Women’s Spaces Event: Where Next for Women In Northern Ireland?

Women played a unique role in achieving the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement, at the negotiation table and within communities and organisations. Much has changed since 1998, but much still remains to be achieved. Join us to hear from women who…

‘Where’s Our Democracy?’ Campaign

In February 2023, the Women’s Policy Group launched the ‘Where’s Our Democracy?’ campaign, which is a campaign focused on improving the quality of democracy in Northern Ireland by restoring the spirit of the Belfast/ Good Friday Agreement…

Women are struggling to feed their children and heat their homes – demand Stormont gets back to work to help

Over the last few weeks Women’s Support Network on behalf of the Women’s Regional Consortium have been carrying out research with women across Northern Ireland on the impact of the Cost of Living Crisis. We have talked to around 250 local…

Women’s Movement Outraged by Loss of Holiday Hunger Payment: We Demand Stable Institutions Now

It is an understatement to say that the women’s movement is outraged by the ending of the Holiday Hunger payments. The payments will end on Monday 3rd April as the Department of Education no longer has the funding to deliver to the scheme.…

New Campaign: Guarantee Our Essentials

Siobhán is now part of a new campaign from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Trussell Trust calling for an Essentials Guarantee within Universal Credit.  The Essentials Guarantee would embed in the social security system a principle that…

NEW Research – The Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on Women in Northern Ireland

Siobhán is nearing the end of a series of focus groups across Northern Ireland looking at the impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on women.  These focus groups have been discussing the coping mechanisms that women are using to get through…

April Funding Opportunities

APRIL 2023   Scheme Funder Note Date Ironmongers Company: STEM Projects Ironmongers Company Application deadline 1 Apr 2023 Council of Europe: European Youth Foundation Council of Europe Deadline for applications…

FWIN / TWN Visit New York with 20 female participants from the WICT programme

Participants from diverse backgrounds drawn from throughout Northern Ireland who took part in the WICT programme exchanged experiences, knowledge and good practices under the CSW67 priority theme “Innovation and technological change, and education…