Archive for category: Latest News

Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Public consultation on services for individuals who have been bereaved by suicide

Public Health Agency (PHA) recognises the importance of reviewing current services for individuals who have been bereaved by suicide and most importantly listening to the views of service users, families, local communities and organisations…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Women’s Policy Group’s Response to APPG on Poverty

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Poverty recently launching an inquiry looking into the (in)adequacy of the social security benefit rates, focusing on benefits for working-age people and their children. The main purpose of the…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Unleashing the power of civil society January 2023

Over the last decade, the role that civil society plays have become ever more fundamental to life in the UK. The Covid pandemic shone a spotlight on that, and the cost-of-living crisis has highlighted it even more starkly. The ever-accelerating…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Campaign Update: Cliff Edge Coalition

Siobhán continues to be a member of the Cliff Edge Working Group.  The Group met recently to discuss a new social media campaign, a forward work plan and to discuss changes to the working group membership.
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Campaign Update: Coalition of Carers

Siobhán has joined the Coalition of Carers which is chaired by Carers NI.  The Coalition is made up of a number of organisations all working to highlight the key issues that carers are facing across Northern Ireland.  Siobhán will present…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Campaign Update: NI Child Payment

Siobhán continues to the meet with the working group for the Northern Ireland Child Payment Coalition.  The introduction of a NI Child Payment was a recommendation by the Gender Equality and Anti-Poverty Expert Panels and in the Feminist Recovery…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Campaign Update: Guarantee our Essentials

Siobhán is now part of a new campaign from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Trussell Trust calling for an Essentials Guarantee within Universal Credit.  The Essentials Guarantee would embed in the social security system a principle that…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy 2023-2030

The Departments of Health and Justice are seeking views on a new draft Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy to cover the period from 2023 until 2030. Siobhán will be making a Consortium response to the draft Strategy.  If you have any comments…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

Women Living with Debt: Update

Siobhán continues to carry out engagement with a range of people and organisations on the Consortium’s research paper on ‘Women Living with Debt’. Since the research was published Siobhán has spoken about the findings, women’s experiences…
Cliff Edge Coalition NI

NEW Research Project – Women and the Cost of Living Crisis

Siobhán has started a new series of focus group sessions across Northern Ireland looking at the impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on women.  So far Siobhán has carried out ten sessions and listened to the views and experiences of around…