Archive for category: Latest News

Women do not belong on the outskirts, women belong in in every place and they deserve to be celebrated.

Women on the outskirts – opinion piece by Women’s Centre Derry

“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made” This quote is by the formidable Ruth Bader Ginsberg and it’s just as true today as it was then. Women are constantly challenged and rarely heard, we are still fighting for…
Keep the lifeline.

The Cost of Living Crisis in Facts and Figures

Inflation has risen to over 10% in the UK in the last year its highest level in over 40 years. Inflation has been rising sharply since Covid restrictions ended and the economy reopened on the back of soaring fuel, energy and food costs. The…
Keep the lifeline.

New Research Published: The Impact of the Maternal Advocacy and Support (MAS) Project

New research has been published by the Women's Resource and Development Agency. Part of their new Research Hub initiative, the research report is the first in a series that will look at the full range of health inequalities facing women in Northern…
Keep the lifeline.

FWIN Lobbies Sinn Féin

On the 1st February, Sinn Féin MLA Ciara Ferguson returned to meet with FWIN to discuss the issues affecting women in the North-West. This was a part of our continued engagement with the Sinn Féin team, following our lobbying session with…
Keep the lifeline.

Campaigns: Coalition of Carers

Siobhán has joined the Coalition of Carers which is chaired by Carers NI.  The Coalition is made up of a number of organisations all working to highlight the key issues that carers are facing across Northern Ireland.  Siobhán attended her…
Keep the lifeline.

Campaigns: NI Child Payment

Siobhán continues to the meet with the working group for the Northern Ireland Child Payment Coalition.  The introduction of a NI Child Payment was a recommendation by the Gender Equality and Anti-Poverty Expert Panels and in the Feminist Recovery…
Keep the lifeline.

Campaigns: Keep the Lifeline

Siobhán continues to attend meetings of Keep the Lifeline to discuss ways in which changes can be made to the social security system to help people through the Cost of Living Crisis.  Siobhán attended a briefing to discuss a new joint campaign…
Keep the lifeline.

View Digital Magazine – Cost of Living Crisis Edition

Alongside Dr Ciara Fitzpatrick, Ulster University and Andy McClaniaghan, British Association of Social Workers NI, Siobhán guest edited a Cost of Living Crisis special edition of View Digital Magazine. The magazine is packed full of articles…
Keep the lifeline.

NI Affairs Committee – Paramilitary Lending

On 18th January 2023, alongside Elaine Crory from WRDA and Sonya McMullan from the Women’s Aid Federation NI, Siobhán gave oral evidence to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee on the issue of paramilitary lending.  This evidence was based…
Keep the lifeline.

Women Living With Debt Update

Siobhán continues to carry out engagement with a range of people and organisations on the Consortium’s research paper on ‘Women Living with Debt’. Since the research was published Siobhán has spoken about the findings, women’s experiences…