Women at the Heart of Constitutional Conversations
NIRWN staff, trustees and members were delighted to attend an event in Enniskillen recently to discuss the findings of a report on 'Gendering Constitutional Conversations in Northern Ireland: The Case of Irish Unification', funded by the Joseph…

September Funding Opportunities
Wolfson Foundation: Health & Disability
Wolfson Foundation
Stage 2 application deadline
1 Sep 2022
Kelly Family Charitable Trust
Kelly Family Charitable Trust

Cost of Living Crisis: Open Letter
Siobhán Harding (Policy Worker, WSN) has worked with Carers NI and National Energy Action NI on an open letter to Northern Ireland politicians highlighting concerns about the Cost of Living Crisis and the need for our local politicians to restore…

Renter’s Voice! Cost of Living Survey
Renters' Voice is a project for people renting from a private landlord or letting agent who want to improve things for private tenants in Northern Ireland. They know first-hand how this cost of living crisis is affecting our ability as renters…

Demand a Mother and Baby Unit for Northern Ireland
Action on Postpartum Psychosis volunteer, Oorlagh Quinn has set up a petition calling for a Mother and Baby Unit in Northern Ireland. Postpartum psychosis is a severe mental illness which begins suddenly following childbirth. Symptoms include…

Adult Social Care Consultation Response
Following a number of focus group sessions on the issues around adult social care Siobhán has submitted a Consortium consultation response to this consultation.
The consultation was wide ranging and focused on issues around the social care…

Campaigns Update
Cost of Living Coalition
Siobhán Harding (Policy Worker, WSN) continues to attend meetings of the Cost of Living Coalition Belfast. This is a group of trade unionists, anti-poverty campaigners, environmentalists and activities who want to…

August Funding Opportunities
August 2022
The Marc Fitch Fund
The Marc Fitch Fund
Application deadline
1 Aug 2022
Baily Thomas Charitable Fund
Baily Thomas Charitable Fund
Application deadline
1 Aug 2022

Campaigning Roundup
The Women's Regional Consortium is involved in various campaigns to drive change. You can keep up to date with campaign progress below.
Cliff Edge Coalition
Siobhán continues to work as part of the Working Group for the Cliff Edge Coalition…

Campaign Update – Cost of Living Coalition
Siobhán has joined the Cost of Living Coalition Belfast. This is a group of trade unionists, anti-poverty campaigners, environmentalists and activities who want to see action on cost of living issues. The Coalition believe that the Stormont…