Patsy Duffy Mentorship Programme – Inspiring Women to make it happen
The Patsy Duffy Mentorship Programme was established in memory of Patsy Duffy who passed away in 2012 and was set up by his four daughters, Tanya, Aisling, Lisa and Roisin. Each daughter will bring a different but valuable professional experience…

April 2022 Funding Bites
APRIL 2022
Community Foundation for NI: RTÉ Toy Show Appeal Community Grants
Community Foundation for Northern Ireland
Application deadline 1pm on
1 Apr 2022
National Allotment Gardens…

Women’s Budget Group Online Four Nations Assembly – Register Now
On Wednesday the 27th of April from 3-5pm, the Northern Ireland Women’s Budget Group (NIWBG), alongside the Scottish Women’s Budget Group (SWBG), the Wales Women’s Budget Group (WWBG) and the UK Women’s Budget Group (UKWBG), will be…

Keep the Lifeline Update
Siobhán continues to attend meetings of Keep the Lifeline to discuss ways in which the cut to Universal Credit can be kept on the political agenda. Keep the Lifeline is also urging the Government to ensure that benefits keep up with the rising…

Cliff Edge Coalition Update
Siobhán continues to work as part of the Working Group for the Cliff Edge Coalition on extending and strengthening the welfare mitigations package in Northern Ireland. Following the passing of the legislation to extend the Benefit Cap and Bedroom…

New Campaign – NI Child Payment
Siobhán has joined a new Northern Ireland campaign for the introduction of a NI Child Payment. This was a recommendation by the Gender Equality and Anti-Poverty Expert Panels and in the Feminist Recovery Plan. The introduction of such a payment…

Adult Social Care Consultation
The Department of Health is consulting on the Reform of the Adult Social Care System in Northern Ireland. Adult Social Care is a vital part of our Health and Social Care System and impacts on the lives of people across society including people…

Hate Crime Consultation
The Department of Justice are consulting on Improving the effectiveness of Hate Crime legislation in Northern Ireland. They want to hear views on this consultation from victims of hate crime and voluntary and community sector organisations supporting…

Women and Debt
Siobhán has now completed a final draft of the ‘Women Living with Debt’ research paper. It is now being signed off by the Consumer Council who have provided some funding for this research. It is hoped that the final paper will be published…

Looking Back to Go Forward
Louise Coyle took part in a briefing to the AERA Committee on research into the Rural Development Programme LEADER Structure and on work being done on the new Rural Policy Framework on 3rd March 2022.
The research was jointly commissioned…