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New Research on Women and Debt – We Want to Hear from You!

Siobhán is starting work on a new research paper looking at the issue of women and debt.  This is a follow-up to a previous paper Making Ends Meet published in February 2020. This research paper will look at the impact of the pandemic on debt…

November Funding Opportunities

November 2021 Scheme Funder Note Date CRC Community Relations/Cultural Diversity Grant Community Relations Council   1st Nov 2021 Asda Foundation: Bringing Communities Back Together ASDA Foundation Application…

Universal Credit Cut Turns the Lights Out

Press Release                        Embargo: 00:01am 6th October 2021   Universal Credit Cut Turns the Lights Out   Today sees the biggest ever overnight cut to the social security system with a £20/week cut to…

Rayna Downey (Women’s Centre Derry) Speaks at Universal Credit Rally

Speaking at a rally held here at the Guildhall Square in Derry on Saturday regarding cutting the Universal Credit Uplift was an eye-opening experience, hearing first hand these women’s stories about how detrimental this going to be to their…

WRC Endorses WRDA Integrated Care System NI Consultation Response

Siobhán provided a letter submission to this consultation which fully endorsed the full consultation response made by WRDA. In the letter response Siobhán highlighted the need for a Caring Economy based on gender equality, wellbeing and…

October Funding Opportunities

October 2021 Scheme Funder Note Date Black & Minoritised Women's Fund Women's Resource Centre Application deadline 3pm on 1 Oct 2021 Culture Ireland: Regular Grants and Showcases Culture Ireland Regular…

Wave Goodbye to Dinosaurs Film Screening

Join NIRWN, in partnership with Rural Community Network, for a screening of ‘Wave Goodbye to Dinosaurs’ followed by a Q&A to mark this year’s Good Relations Week. The screening takes place on Thursday 23rd September from 7pm - 8.30pm (via…

Cliff Edge Coalition Campaign Update

Siobhán continues to work with the Cliff Edge Coalition on their Working Group to take forward and lobby for the extension and strengthening of the mitigations package in Northern Ireland.  The Coalition is continuing to campaign to Close…

DWP – Shaping future support: the health and disability green paper

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is exploring how the benefit system can better meet the needs of disabled people and those with long term health conditions and the ways in which the welfare system can help people within these groups…

Independent Review: Discretionary Support

The Minister for Communities, Deirdre Hargey MLA, has appointed an independent panel to carry out a review of the Discretionary Support scheme. They have been asked to identify areas of improvement and to make recommendations to the Department…