Consultation on the draft Impact Assessments for the draft Programme for Government 2024-2027
Alongside the draft Programme for Government a number of impact assessments have been drafted for consultation including an equality impact assessment, rural needs impact assessment and a child rights impact assessment. The draft Programme…
NEW RESEARCH LAUNCH – Women, Skills & Barriers to Work
The Women’s Regional Consortium’s latest research paper Women, Skills & Barriers to Work will be launched on Thursday 5th December @10am in Shankill Shared Women’s Centre, Belfast.
The research contains the results of 10 focus group…
Consultation on strengthening Statutory Sick Pay
This consultation forms part of Government's commitment to strengthen Statutory Sick Pay, as part of the plan to Make Work Pay, a significant and ambitious agenda to ensure workplace rights are fit for a modern economy, empower working people…
Survey on experiences of women in NI accessing and using women’s health services
Queen’s University Belfast, in collaboration with Derry Well Women and support from the Department of Health is conducting a survey to explore and compare the experiences of women in Northern Ireland accessing and using women's health services.
Mid Ulster District Council wants to hear from you
Mid Ulster District Council is currently re-designing its approach to community development in Mid Ulster. They want to hear from residents and groups of all types from across the District about what the key elements of this new approach should…
Campaigns Update: Cliff Edge Coalition
The Consortium is represented on the Cliff Edge Coalition by the Women's Support Network. Siobhán continues to attend meetings of the Cliff Edge Coalition Working Group which is working to strengthen the existing mitigations package for Northern…
Campaigns Update: Cost of Living 24
The Consortium is part of a coalition of organisations led by Inspire Wellbeing NI who have come together to host a one-stop shop service for the many impacts of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. The Cost of Living 24 campaign aims to make navigating…
Campaigns Update: Coalition of Carers
The Consortium is represented in the Coalition of Carers by the Women’s Support Network. Siobhán continues to attend regular meetings of the Coalition of Carers which is chaired by Carers NI. The Coalition is made up of a number of organisations…
Campaigns Update: Guaranteeing Our Essentials
The Consortium is part of a campaign from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Trussell Trust calling for an Essentials Guarantee within Universal Credit. The Essentials Guarantee would embed in the social security system a principle that…
Consultation on The Executive Office Budget Allocation for 2024-2025 – Equality Impact Assessment
The Executive Office has published an Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) on the proposals for the Department’s budget allocation for 2024-2025. The process aims to avoid any adverse impacts and where possible take action to mitigate these.…